This form is for Discovery Day Supporters who are paying by check. You are making a donation to support Discovery Day. You are NOT registering for a booth.
If you want to pay by PayPal, return to the Discovery Day webpage and select PayPal.
Business or Resident *
Level Of Support
Donation Amount
Donations should be entered without a dollar sign ($).
Can we publicly recognize your support for Discovery Day by listing your name on our website?
List Name On Website
Organization or Resident/Family Name *
Contact Name *
Contact E-mail Address *
Contact Phone Number *
In order to participate in Discovery Day your organization must be located in Lexington, Massachusetts.
Street Address *
Town *
ZIP Code *
You selected the option to pay with a check. If you want to pay with PayPal, return to the Discovery Day web page and click PayPal.
Donation Amount
Amount You Owe
This is your last chance to go back and review the information you have entered in the form. You will not be able to review your information after you advance to the registration screen.
After your registration is processed you will receive an e-mail from the Lexington Retailers Association. If you do not see the e-mail in your inbox, please check your junk mail folder.

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