How You Can Help
When the center sparkles and glows with lights and decorations it makes everyone feel festive and full of pride in their community during the holiday season. Lighting and decorating Lexington Center each holiday season takes lots of effort by many people and is quite costly. The Town of Lexington does not financially support this program; it is funded entirely with donations from generous members of the community. Only energy-efficient LED lights are used in the center and all funds donated are used only for lighting and decorating during the holiday season.
If you enjoy the center during the holidays, please consider making a donation using the links below. The Holiday Lighting Committee works very hard with the folks from the Lexington Public Works Department to make it all happen, but it can’t be done without help from individuals and businesses. Enjoy this LEXMEDIA video of the 2018 ceremony.
Two Great Ways to Help
Donate and make a dedication of your choice. Dedications are published in the local paper.
Donate Now $25 - $500 using Paypal (donations include a processing fee)
Use the donation form and mail your donation. Checks can be made to Lexington Retailers Association / Holiday Lighting Fund
c/o Brookline Bank
Attn: Holiday Lighting
1793 Massachusetts Avenue
Lexington MA 02420